We are excited to announce that we were legally married on October 20, 2023, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Since we both have a love of travel, we will be flying to Europe to celebrate our commitment to one another through a glamorous symbolic vow exchange at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France on November 27, 2023. We will then spend our honeymoon in Barcelona before touring cities across the French Riviera.

We look forward to seeing our loved ones in Winnipeg during the holidays and will bring photos and videos to share when we visit.

Following our return home, we will confirm our travel dates and the venue for our traditional wedding ceremony in Ludhiana, India. We have tentatively planned our wedding for March 15, 2024, but we will confirm this date officially once we have ensured the availability of our immediate family members to attend. We anticipate that we will be spending additional time in India following our wedding to explore the country and culture, before taking a second honeymoon to the Andaman Islands.

We cherish the memories and miles we have made thus far in our relationship and we cannot wait to create more. To follow along on this wild adventure, we invite you to join our newsletter to get updates including stories and pictures of our extended celebration.

We're Getting Married!


Legal Marriage

October 20, 2023
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

We were legally married in a private ceremony on the Victoria Parliament Grounds.

Symbolic Ceremony

November 27, 2023
Paris, France

We will be exchanging our vows with one another in a symbolic ceremony at the Eiffel Tower.


November 28, 2023 - December 13, 2023
Barcelona, Spain & Nice, France

Following our elopement to France, we will be spending our honeymoon in Barcelona before visiting cities across the French Riviera.

Traditional Wedding

March 15, 2024
Ludhiana, Punjab, India

We are excited to be celebrating our marriage with family from India. We will be having a traditional wedding ceremony in India to celebrate and honour cultural marriage traditions.


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